Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Food For Heathy (NoNong with the Corn Core)

Food for healthy, everything is fine with this food Overall healthπŸ‘
You can Do it .

Monday, May 4, 2020

វិαž’ីαž’្វើដំទូαž„αž†ឹαž„αžŸ្αž€αžšαž្αž“ោត αž‡ាមួαž™αž្αž‘ឹះដូαž„, How to make sweet postatose wit...

How to make The sweet potatoes with sugar and Coconut Cream.


All The ingredients.

_Sweet Potatose 1kilo 
_ palm Sugar 250/g
_ Coconut Cream 500/g
_ salt ( just alitle )

* How to do ,The only way you can access videos is in.

Monday, April 27, 2020